- 人力资源部经理(职位招满)
- 软件开发(职位招满)
- 程序员(职位招满)
- 系统工程师/网管(职位招满)
- 项目经理(职位招满)
十年来,伴随石油石化销售系统的改革和发展,赛思通准确把握销售企业信息化建设的需求,凭借丰富的行业应用经验,运用先进的经营管理理念和信息技术,构建了石油石化销售企业全面的信息化、自动化解决方案,提供系列化应用软件产品和服务,已成为国内该行业知名的应用软件提供商和系统集成商。 赛思通坚持“应用服务为客户创造价值”的理念和实践,系统成功案例遍布中石油、中石化两大集团销售系统,有效促进客户提升管理、增进效益、强化核心竞争力。 鉴于公司良好的发展势头,特此诚邀各方有志之士踊跃加盟。我们将提供良好的发展平台与更宽广的发展机遇,与人才共发展、与人才共成功! Xi’an Systom Software Technology Co., Ltd, officially established in 1997, mainly engages in the service of the improvement of information technology in the sales of petroleum. Systom has obtained the national confirmation of Software enterprise and Hi-tech enterprise, and has passed certificate of ISO9001. In the past ten years, as the innovation and development of the sales system of petrol, Systom is able to grasp the requiring of the informational progress of sales company. Because of the rich experience in this area, we manage to develop the petroleum sales Enterprises into total informationization and automatization, and provide the products and service of systematic application software, by applying the advanced management ideas and information technology. Systom’s ethos is to make profit for the clients by provide the best service. There is a great number of successful cases in both the sales systems of Petrochina Company and China Petroleum&Chemical Corporation, the largest petrol company in China. Our products help the clients improves the management and profit, and also enhances the centralization effectively. As it is mentioned above, Systom is a company of exciting vista. We believe we will grow stronger with your help. |
联系方式 | |
公司名称: | 西安赛思通软件技术有限责任公司 |
公司地址: | 西安市兴庆路中段一号翠庭大厦19层E座 |
邮政编码: | 710048 |
联 系 人: | 人力资源部 |
联系电话: | 029-83286322,83235725 转2170 |
电子邮箱: | pmsystom@263.net |
公司网址: | www.systom.com.cn |